Sexual Health

Sexual Health

Sexual wellness has a major impact on our quality of life. At Juvenate, we’re honored to provide customized, proven treatments for a wide variety of sexual health complexities. We have the extensive knowledge and skill to help you address your individual concerns while boosting your self-esteem and dignity. In order to take the first step to renewed sexual confidence and enjoyment, simply get in touch with our Northwest Florida wellness facility for a consultation.

Mature couple holding each other

Our Sexual Enhancement Treatments

We all face the challenge of cultivating sexual health in the face of medical conditions, age, and more. It’s important to connect with professionals who have the empathy to understand your distinct situation — as well as the knowledge to offer solutions. At Juvenate, our experts put in extra effort to listen to you and understand your concerns as well as your story. The result is personalized solutions on a whole new level. We’d love to talk with you about:

  • Pulse Wave Therapy

  • P-Shot

  • O-Shot

As you explore your options and decide on treatments, we’ll continue to listen to you and make adjustments to ensure your needs are met the entire way. We believe that every treatment should look different from the rest because you deserve care that puts you first.

Pulse Wave Therapy

Pulse Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction and Female Sexual Arousal Disorder uses pulsed sound waves to open old, clogged blood vessels and create new blood vessels, to increase blood flow to the penis and vagina.

The improvement in blood flow, achieved by the creation of new blood vessels and the rejuvenation of existing vessels, dramatically increases your ability to obtain and sustain an erection and arousal. In addition, the increased blood flow can lead to a more youthful penile and vaginal appearance.


What is P-Shot?

The formal name of the P-Shot is called the Priapus shot, (rightfully named after the Greek God of fertility). The healing platelets and growth factors within your blood are separated from your red and white blood cells using a centrifuge; therefore, the Priapus shot uses your own blood and your body’s own natural healing ability to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of ED!

What Benefits Can a Man Have from the P-Shot®?

  • Stronger, firmer erections
  • Easier to achieve and maintain erections (i.e., improved sexual stamina)
  • Increased penile length and girth
  • Improvement in or resolution of penile curvature from Peyronie’s Disease
  • Resolution of penile pain with erection
  • Increased sensitivity in the penis
  • Better overall blood flow to the penis

How Long Does the P-Shot Last?

Unlike many fast-acting, temporary treatments for male enhancement, the P-Shot is a treatment that provides noticeable results within one to six weeks with results that can last for up to two years. Sometimes, the P-Shot can result in almost immediate results, as the body naturally responds to treatment with increased girth and length. While these immediate results can seemingly wane as your body naturally absorbs some of this fluid, new tissue growth will continue over 12 weeks.

In addition to improved size and stamina, the P-Short provides other notable benefits, including:

  • Improvements in orgasm
  • Reduction in time needed between erections
  • Boost in sexual stamina
  • Heightened self-confidence
  • Eradication of pain triggered by erections

Many men find that these benefits, along with the fact that the P-Shot is a drug-free therapeutic alternative, lead to better performance and an overall more satisfying sex life. It can also be used in combination with the O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, which is a sexual rejuvenation procedure for the vagina. The combination of treatments can improve overall sexual satisfaction and comfort for both partners.


What is the O-Shot®?

Developed by Dr. Charles Runels, the O-Shot®, also known as the Orgasm Shot®, is an office-based sexual rejuvenation procedure for the vagina. O-Shot® uses PRP to reinvigorate vaginal tissue and enhance sexual response.

What are the Benefits of O-Shot®?

  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • A tighter vaginal opening
  • Stronger, more frequent orgasms
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Decreased urinary incontinence

Some of the conditions that can be improved by O-Shot® treatment include:

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder- About one in 20 women suffer from arousal disorder. They are willing and able to have sex but have difficulty becoming aroused and achieving any pleasure in sexual activity.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low desire)- Low sex drive is considered a disorder when it disrupts a woman’s life or relationships. About 10 percent of women suffer from this problem.

Female Orgasmic Disorder- About one in 20 women can become aroused but have difficulty achieving orgasm. The inevitable frustration then lowers their libido.

Dyspareunia- Vaginal pain during intercourse that is not related to decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm is referred to as dyspareunia. The condition is not uncommon, and, in many cases, can be effectively treated with O-Shot®.

5 Fold Therapy Approach for ED

1. Nitric Oxide Boosters. Nitric Oxide is the chemical that the penile nerves release in order to dilate arteries which increase blood flow to the penis. Juvenate uses two potent Nitric Oxide boosters which support Nitric Oxide levels throughout the body which helps maintain blood flow.

2. PDE-5 Inhibitors are medications that work by blocking the metabolism of Nitric Oxide (NO). A reduction in NO levels will decrease dilation of arteries which then reduces blood flow into the penis. By using a PDE-5 inhibitor, men keep NO levels high and improve erectile function. It should be noted that PDE-5 inhibitors are medical treatment, while NO boosters provides non-medical, dietary supplement support for nitric oxide. The tow can be used concurrently in the interest of supporting healthy circulation. Of course PDE-5 inhibitors require a physician's prescription, and it is certainly advisable to consult our provider about the use of NO boosters or any other dietary supplement in combination with any medical treatment.

3. Shock Wave Therapy to improve the health of blood vessels. Men and women with sexual dysfunction can benefit from low intensity shock wave therapy like GAINSwave which uses low intensity, high frequency shock waves to repair aged blood vessels and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. Healthier blood vessels increase blood flow into the penis/vagina which improves sexual function.

4. Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in men responsible for many critical functions, such as regulating sex drive, bone health, and muscle mass. Common symptoms of low testosterone include weight gain, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, and mood changes. In addition to exercise, proper hydration, a healthy diet, and avoiding tobacco and drug abuse.

5. P-Shot. The P-Shot is based on PRP therapy. Where your blood is processed and your own cells and tissues and injects them into your penile tissues to promote tissue growth and purportedly give you better erections and up to 1 inch in width and girth to your penis.

Schedule an Appointment

Located in the Florida Panhandle, Juvenate is changing the way people think. Our unique approach educates and empowers our clients while offering solutions they can trust. We look forward to being your ally and boosting your sexual performance!

Get in touch to get started!

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